Simple summer safety checklist

We all enjoy the warmth of the summer season a little differently. But whether you’re hiking a scenic trail, reading a book poolside, or earning MVP in your softball league, it’s important to stay safe in the sun.

Use this checklist to make sure you’re always prepared to care for your oral health!

Skin, lip, and eye protection

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    Apply sunscreen and lip balm with SPF 30

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    Wear loose, light-colored clothing

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    Bring a wide-brimmed hat

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    Wear sunglasses with ultraviolet (UV) protection

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    Other: ____________________________


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    Bring a refillable water bottle

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    Limit alcohol, coffee, caffeinated soda, and other dehydrating beverages

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    Review an event map to locate water bottle filling stations

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    Other: ____________________________


Don’t love drinking water? Consider infusing it with seasonal fruit or opting for coconut water to get an electrolyte boost!


Camping safety

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    Bring insect repellant

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    Properly store food and dispose of trash

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    Always extinguish fires when you’re done with them

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    Watch out for potentially harmful plants and animals like poison ivy and ticks

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    Other: ____________________________

Emergency planning

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    Check the weather forecast

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    Discuss your plans with an emergency contact

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    Pack a first aid kit and oral health essentials (toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and floss)

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    Other: ____________________________

Add to this checklist with items or tasks specific to you! For instance, certain medications (such as antihistamines, antibiotics, or insulin) can make you more sensitive to the sun, which may require additional planning or precaution.

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