Sizzling summer tips for a tooth-friendly barbecue

Picture this: a backyard buzzing with the laughter of friends and the air filled with the mouth-watering aroma of barbecue. It’s an American summer scene. However, amidst the fun and flavors, it’s easy to forget about your oral health. But don’t worry, there are simple ways you can enjoy these moments worry-free.

The secret to a smile-friendly barbecue lies in what you decide to serve. Choosing healthier versions of our barbecue favorites does not have to mean sacrificing flavor. Both meat and its plant-based alternatives are rich in protein and a great source of phosphorus to help build and maintain strong teeth. The sauces are the tricky part.

Barbecue sauce is the heart and soul of many cookouts. However, its dark, warm, and sticky nature can stain your teeth. Plus, barbecue sauce tends to have a lot more sugar than you think. To enjoy its rich flavor without compromising dental health, consider using lighter, less sticky sauces or simply reduce the amount you use.

Like barbecue sauce, marinades can also stain teeth due to their consistency and color. A great alternative is to switch to dry rubs — like this one — which provide all the flavor without the potential for stains.

Now, onto the sides.

Having vegetables is an easy way to ensure the barbecue is smile-friendly. Who doesn’t love grilled vegetables? Try grilling some favorites like carrots, mushrooms, peppers, eggplant, and zucchini.

Grill like a pro by wrapping chopped and assorted vegetables in tin foil before placing them on the grill.

And then there’s watermelon. Juicy, refreshing, and a summer staple, watermelon is not only a crowd-pleaser but also great for your teeth. Being high in water content, it helps clean your teeth and gums of food particles and bacteria, while hydrating you, too. Other fruits to consider bringing to the barbecue are apples, strawberries, and even grilled peaches.

When it comes to the drinks, choose water instead of more sugary options, like lemonade, sweet tea, or alcohol. Like watermelon, water washes away remaining food bits while keeping you hydrated.

Additionally, chewing sugar-free gum after eating can help keep your teeth clean until you’re able to brush. It stimulates saliva, which naturally cleanses the teeth. But remember, while gum can be a quick fix, it does not replace brushing your teeth.

With these simple choices, you can enjoy the season’s flavors without worry. Enjoy a summer of memorable barbecues and delicious food. 

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