Crazy schedules and disrupted daily routines can be fun for kids, but they can cause oral health to fall by the wayside. That’s why it’s a good time for some simple ground rules that help keep summer fun and healthy.
Kids stay up late, go to sleepovers, leave for camps and visit relatives. These can all become excuses to forget about good oral hygiene. Remind your kids to pack a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, floss and a retainer (if they wear one). Insist that they make taking care of their teeth a priority – in the morning and in the evening.
Sugary drinks, ice cream, candy, fast food and more snacking than usual can easily become part of your summer rhythm. Keep an eye on your child’s diet and stock up on healthy snacks like fresh fruits and vegetables. Have water on hand instead of high-sugar, decay-causing sodas, juices and sports drinks.
Summer is also the time for swimming, biking, running and general horsing around. Mouth injuries can occur during these activities. Take precautions by wearing a mouth guard during sports and being prepared for accidents. See our article on ways to plan for an emergency and items to include in an emergency dental kit.